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Bamboo: From Green Design to Sustainable Design By Rebecca Reubens (Paperback)

Bamboo: From Green Design to Sustainable Design By Rebecca Reubens (Paperback)

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Focuses on the links between design, craft, and sustainability, expanding the scope of design and opportunities for designers. It inspires designers to move beyond 'green' or eco-design, into the realm of holistically sustainable design by focusing on bamboo-- an ancient, renewable material-- which has recently seen a resurgence in popularity, in both design and sustainability. The book highlights bamboo's versatile applications and their impact on ecological, economic, social, and cultural sustainability. The Sustainability Checklist included here will empower designers to guide and evaluate their designs-- and move from green design towards sustainable design. The Prince Claus Fund supports this publication for its treatment of sustainability's many facets, unlike others that only recognize the ecological meaning. The Fund believes that culture is a basic need and the motor of development, and so actively seeks cultural collaborations founded on equality and trust, with partners of excellence, in spaces where resources and opportunities for cultural expression, creative production, and research are limited and cultural heritage is threatened.

Paperback: 264 pages

Item Weight: 1 kg 940 g

ISBN-10: 8186962913

ISBN-13: 978-8186962916

Publisher: Promilla & Co., Publishers (1 January 2012)



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