Over the years, Dr. Rebecca Reubens has had the privilege of speaking at various platforms. She is often asked for copies of her presentations, and also for copies of her project documentations. We've compiled a few of the most requested of these to share as free reference study material resources. By sharing the knowledge, we hope to be and to create more rhizomes of change and impact sustainability through our collective efforts.

1. Achieving, Assessing and Communicating Sustainability: A manual towards branding the Vietnamese handicraft sector

  2. Bamboo Sector Developments in India


3. Diagnostic Study of Kotwalia community
4. Drawing on Craft and Sustainability can Strengthen: The Power of Design in Local and Global Economies 
9. Presentation on Rhizome Approach for MPB 
10.Research Design
11.Towards Holistic Sustainability Through Collaborative Innovation: THE RHIZOME APPROACH
12. Deep Dive into Our Bamboo Journey